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[2,603 of 3,885] S.E.L.F.I.E. Madness!

Wednesday morning:

Sorted out AH stuff - bought gunshoes and healing potions, sold as much as possible.

Found a Medium Orange Chest for Puzzle Performer. Note that this one, like the blue one, showed up for the macro on Wowhead but wasn't in the spot that it should have been. In both cases it was in the "easy" spot instead of the "medium" one. Anyway, I only have one more of these to go!

Did the three emissary quests and picked up Seasoned: Neri Sharpfin. My others are at rank 9 and 11 so I'm now a third of the way through this achievement - hopefully I'll finish around the same time as I get Puzzle Performer.

Afterwords, I spent some time hunting for rares and items for the "biggest bag" achievement.

As an aside, this is a fantastic Shadowlands TODO guide:


I started in Mechagon and was about to hearth when I thought I'd check if the Trogg was active. It was, and he hated green today, so I finally managed to unlock the green spraypaint. The only one left is "Big 'ol Bronze".

I finished the pre-patch questline for the feat of strength.

I worked on some battle pet world quests - I'm at 995 pet charms now.

In the mood for something different, I decided to finish up Field Photographer (take a S.E.L.F.I.E. at a whole bunch of locations). I had seven locations left when I started. The Temple of Karabor was noteworthy as it was one of the few times I've ever needed to use my Blessed Medallion of Karabor. Or would have been, except that I confused Draenor with Outland... Oh, and I picked up the Star Chart toy while I was in the zone.

A trip to Western Plaguelands for two more locations had me end up at Uther's Tomb. A quick flight south (I was heading to Karazan) made me realize I'd failed to complete the Hillsbrad Foothills questlines. I also picked up the Gnomish Cloaking Device engineering recipe I was missing (saving myself 4200g on the AH!). I've said it before but this kind of "wandering with a purpose" and openness to doing new things is why I love achievement hunting so much. Finding all the small things that get overlooked makes me appreciate the game so much more.

One annoying quest cropped up: Human Infestation in Hillsbrad Foothills. It requires getting humans below 35%. The problem is that even when naked, all of my attacks do more than that in damage. In the end I had to use purge to aggro a human and then use my escort for another escort quest to bash it down to 35% before I used the shackles. 

Cry of the Banshee has a similar mechanic and is even more annoying. Fortunately Wowhead comes to the rescue again! Use the Soft Foam Sword toy to reduce them to 1hp without killing them :)

These Hillsbrad quests sure do have a lot of cinematics...

Anyway, I am now the proud owner of the Hillsbrad Foothills Quests achievement!

Oh, and I picked up the Goblin Jumper Cables recipe from Zixil, along with three other limited supply recipes.

NOTE: Gnomish Cloaking Device seems like a great way to make money. Only a few gold worth of mats and they sell for 6.5k

I headed to Karazan, for a SELFIE of course, and stopped by Ironforge on the way to visit the tram and take a photo. I didn't even die!

After taking the selfie, I took a shot at Midnight (no luck on the mount, but I scored an engineering recipe I needed) and at the opera house music roll (like Midnight, no luck tonight).

Friday morning:

Before I headed to the Halls of Origination in Uldum for my penultimate S.E.L.F.I.E. , I stopped in Org to sell off my junk. I ended up buying a couple of companion pets that I didn't have, including Caverndark Nightmare for Give Me The Biggest Bag You've Got (buying it from the AH counted for the achievement).

A quick jaunt to Vash'jir and I'm now the proud owner of Field Photographer!

Next up, the Naz'jatar dailies. The PVP event was on, so I worked on that first for the battle commendations (eight, plus five more for winning). There was also a pet quest up offering Polished Pet Charms. The companion dailies gave me Seasoned: Peon Gillbrack as well.

Lastly, I picked up the Interdimensional Pet Portal for 1000 Polished Pet Charms, giving me enough space for all the Shadowlands pets.


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