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[2,859 of 4,126] - 25,035 points - Bastion

 8/25/22 - I couldn't sleep and so decided to complete some simple quests instead. I happened to be in Revendreth with two Revendreth blue quests (3 world quests and 4, basically) and so started doing those, plus two "WANTED" quests I just happened to have in my log.

I also picked up the toy "Tome of Small Sins" from the chest reward (3 attempts) :)

 Next up: Korthia, to finally finish the weekly. Turning this in got me [The Ascended]! This also unlocked the mount, which I have no gold for because I bid on a BMAH mount earlier :( I also seem to need to get the Lurid Bloodtusk from the Undying Army quartermaster.

Lacking gold is a pain in the ass. I used to have a profitable AH farm going on but these days I have an ever-dwindling supply of gold and no solid way to make it. I don't just want to buy WoW Tokens to get it, so it's probably time to start making money again.

I did a quick Halls run for Avowed rep and tried to do a fated raid, only to zone in on the last boss. I went to ZM and started working on the weekly and decided to check how many schematics I still needed. It turns out the number is seven, so I'm off to unlock the Adorned Vombata schematic first :) 

It turns out I'd already unlocked this cache, I just lacked the ability to get schematics when I did so. I found it laying on the floor.

Useful wowhead comment of the day: "This is the reward from the drop Schematic: Mawdapted Raptora which is easiest to get from killing Mawsworn Hulks. I suggest killing these mobs when the Feed the Annelids world quest is up, as it puts a +damage received and -damage done debuff on the target, so they become easy kills. I probably had a luck with the drop rate, but it dropped me after killing 8 Mawsworn Hulks."

 Later in the morning, I decided to both rank up my Shadowlands Fishing, and to work on getting the Hirukon mount. I get bored easily, so 100 attempts per day sounds reasonable.

75 fish in, I decided what I *really* needed to do was empty my bags, which meant emptying my bank out first. I had SO MUCH crap that was technically removed from game but also completely useless and a dozen Domination Shards and stuff like that as well.

Later, I joined a group to grind Genesis Mote for a bit. I absolutely hate this kind of grind and could only stay for ten minutes. I got enough for a mount but I still have more to do to get a fifth mount for the achievement. (I have no idea how I am going to manage to get 50 different ones - that's going to take a minimum of 20 hours of grinding).

 After that, my guild called me in to do a Normal raid. I miss raiding and may well start doing it again.

 8/26/22 - Back to Zereth Mortis to finish up the weekly. I tried killing five Mawsworn Hulk for the Schematic but no luck so far.

Working on [Traversing the Spheres], I picked up Incorperal Sand, leaving just four more items to go. 

I finished the weekly, got nothing of note in the chest, then hearthed to Sinfall and picked up the Obsidian Gravewing mount for 7500 Anima. I'm now on 344/350 for [No Stable Big Enough].

Now that I'm looking at this, wasn't there a 400 mount achievement? isn't showing up in my list. Weird.

Back to Revendreth and I'm working on the pet battle achievements forr Shadowlands. I've already done all of the ones for one trainer and so now I'm trying to do the other two in Revendreth so that ATT stops reminding me :)

After eight attempts, I realized I really need to get more specific pet breeds - I wasn't able to complete a single one. I'll try again later.

8/26/22 - Changing things up a little, I headed to Ardenweald for the rep and for any easier achievements I could find. [Ardenweald Gourmand] is about as simple as it gets - just buy and then eat a bunch of food from a single vendor :)

Next up was some work on the Squirrels achievement and then I set out to get all the treasures in Ardenweald. I got all but one - the last one needs a fair bit of work looking for the same mob five times.

The mount from collecting all the gardening items and returning them is especially cool :)

I worked on a bunch of other rares, world quests, treasures, etc. I'm very close on many of them. I also finally reached exalted with [The Wild Hunt]!

8/27/22 - I'm working on finding the Playful Vulpin five times so as to finish [Treasures of Ardenweald]. The macro on wowhead was a big help.

While working on this, I found the last two rares I needed for [Adventurer of Ardenweald]!

The Playful Vulpin was easy enough to get in the course of an hour or so with the macro, and with that, I now have [Treasures of Ardenweald]!


I'm working on Sojourner next. I have two questlines left to go. Both were pretty easy and I picked up [Sojourner of Ardenweald] inside of an hour!

 And with that, I now have over 25,000 achievement points!

Bastion seems worth a visit next.

Holy shit there are so many things I have to collect here. Getting 50 shards for the crystal mallet is just the beginning.

8/29/22 - Still working on the fifty shards. They are hidden in all kinds of fun places.

It took a bit over three hours in total, but I'm now the proud owner of [Shard Labor]! Several of the shards were in two dungeons, so getting them was a bit of work. Some of the others were very creatively hidden. Overall though, I'm glad to finally have this one.

I crafted the hammer and rang the bell. No mention of any mount however. 

While in Bastion, I randomly came across a group doing thhe secret pet Courage. You need five people to pet an animal within two seconds of each other. We got it on thhe thhird try with a DBM countdown!

 I finally found the mount :) It was in a chest right next to the damn bell :)

 Next, I finally finished [To All the Squirrels I've Loved and Lost]!

And then [Count Your Blessings]!

After that, it was time for Treasures. It's clear that Bastion was the first zone to be completed (and therefore got the most polish) since each treasure puzzle in Bastion is typically more complex than the other zones.



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