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[2,769 of 3,980] Pandaria Scenarios and More

 Monday morning: at a loss for what to work on next, I simply grabbed the next item in the achievements UI - Wyrmrest Temple. I picked up [Rapid Defense] without many issues other than Bartender4 and the WoW vehicle UI conflicting.

Since I was here, I headed down to the pet tamer to work on my Elekk Plushie achievement.

I'm skipping the Frenzyheart until I get my Green Proto Drake from the Oracles' egg (pick one up every three days via the Northrend engineering wormhole), so next on my list is Deepholm for the "Glop, son of Glop" quest. Or it would be, except it doesn't seem to be up today, dammit. Perhaps Lost in the Deeps is up instead?

It wasn't. Alas. Fungal Fury was also not up. Maybe Restless Brood? Nope.

Tuesday morning and I can't play because 9.1 is coming out.

Over the next few days I do all the main quests to unlock being able to use a mount (so much for the one I unlocked already...) as well as all the dailies and the "assault". The new content is fine but not especially interesting - there is almost nothing new in all of it other than more timegated grinds.

Bored already (and it's only Friday), I decided to look at doing some Pandaria scenarios since I have a ton of those left to complete.

First, I needed to figure out how to even start these old scenarios. It's been a long time. It turns out you need to go to Mogu'shan palace then talk to Lorewalker Fu and Lorewalker Shin.

[Cannonballer] was easy enough, as was [I Used to Love Them] and [We've Been Dancin'] - just keep queuing until the right person shows up.

[It's a Trap!} may have been one of the easiest achievements to get ever - I got it accidentally while doing the Crypt. [Fancy Footwork] and both [Crypt of Forgotten Kings] and [Heroic: Crypt of Forgotten Kings] only took a few more moments.

Greenstone Village gave me [Perfect Delivery], [Save it for Later] and (because it was a Saturday) [Scenaturday]

[Hekima's Heart Halter] and [Heroic: Blood in the Snow] took only a few minutes and then it was on to [Heroic: Dark Heart of Pandaria]

[The Few, the Proud, the Gob Squad], [The Secrets of Ragefire] and [Heroic: The Secrets of Ragefire] took under ten minutes. This is easily the simplest set of achievements I've ever attempted :)

[Keep those Bombs Away], [Battle on the High Seas] and [Heroic: Battle on the High Seas] also took about ten minutes. Why didn't I do all these sooner?

[For the Swarm] was another easy one. Interestingly, the achievement toast seems different to most of the others I've seen.

[Heed the Weed] was difficult until I checked wowhead for the instructions, then it was trivial - just go to the waypoints and finish the achievement. Like the others, the toast for this achievement is in the old style which is marginally interesting.

Sunday morning: [No Egg Left Behind] and [You Mean That Wasn't a Void Zone?] followed by [Kite Fight] and [No Tank You].

I have about six left, all of them require more thought than I want to use before coffee. 

As for the rest, I mostly did Korthia dailies, giving me [Exploring Korthia]

and another quick Dragon Soul run for my wife (picked up most of the armor set for that zone).


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