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[2,707 of 3,900] Legion class hall, professions and alts.

 While I was in Torghast, I realised that my engineering was sorely lacking. Specifically, I didn't have a Jeeves or AutoHammer to repair. I'm off to Ulduar to get the Jeeves schematic now.

It took only a few kills to get the schematic, and about twenty minutes in Org to find enough supplies to craft the Jeeves.

Next up: the auto-hammer schematic. A quick hearth to Dalaran and then a flight to Aszuna. Quick quest.

I worked on my Vulpera warrior, finishing up several quests in the Legion Class Hall questline and getting her closer to 50 for the achievement (halfway through 48 now).

I did the daily, gaining exalted with the Court of Harvesters, then did maw quests, gaining Cordial reputation with Ve'nari.

On Thursday I finished the class hall for my Vulpera Warrior, then on Friday I hit 50 after doing the Shadowlands intro quests and I picked up my heritage armor for [Heritage of the Vulpera].

One down, nine to go :/

From looking at my other classes, I already have a level 45 Rogue, Demon Hunter and Hunter - all three of these are 2/3 of the way through their class halls so it makes sense to do those next. I can then power level the other nine allied races via Legion timewalking, without worrying about doing the class hall quests. I'll probably start with a Highmountain Tauren druid.

My basic plan right now is as follows:

1. Complete the five class hall campaigns (Rogue, Demon Hunter and Hunter to go).

2. Do all of the professions and get the achievements for maxing out every one of them.

3. Get all the Horde allied classes.

4. Unlock the alliance allied classes.

5. Get all the alliance allied classes.

6. Park each alt at Onyxia (etc.) for weekly mount runs.

In terms of leveling, I'm going to do a mix of Legion (fastest) and PVP (for honor, since it counts for the whole account). I'll also pick up some pet battle tokens along the way. I *may* end up doing Recruit A Friend since it's faster that way.

In terms of professions, I have completed the following:

[Pandaren Master of All] - Alchemy, Enchanting, Jewelcrafting

[Draenor Master of All] - Alchemy, Enchanting, Jewelcrafting

[Legion Master of All] - Enchanting, Jewelcrafting, Skinning

[Zandalari Master of All] - Enchanting, Engineering

[Shadowlands Master of All] - Enchanting

I seem to have found a bug - I have maxed out leatherworking, but it's not showing in any of the "Master of All" achievements. The same thing applies to inscription and probably to other things. I submitted a ticket and in the interim it semi-fixed itself - it's still missing on some characters but not others.

I have alts that cover most of the professions, and any that I'm missing I can add to a fresh alt. My plan is to level the gathering professions earlier so that I can use the mats for the non-gathering ones.

I'm going to use my alliance Priest to level up tailoring as well as to unlock the allied races on the alliance side. 

I need to remember to use the Darkmoon Faire to get the last five points of each profession, as well as world quests where appropriate - it starts tomorrow. Also, I'm going to start with Shadowlands professions since those are the most relevant.

Anyway, I've mostly been working on the Rogue class hall campaign now that Shaman and Warrior are complete. In the downtime (lots of missions) I've started to work on my Hunter - both the class hall and the professions. It's also Darkmoon Faire today, so I want to level as many as possible to 95 in Shadowlands so as to get the final five in DMF.

Each of the class hall campaigns is 60+ quests along with several missions and dungeons, so it takes quite a bit of effort - more than I realized.

Also, I headed to DMF to get the last couple of points in Engineering. Along the way I completed a race with the wanderluster, netting three more achievements.

In terms of professions, I've definitely completed Engineering up to Legion (and I have Shadowlands and Zandalari on Deathspiral). 

New list, this time the things I know I still need:

Alchemy - Zandalari and Shadowlands - use Huntspiral

Blacksmithing - Legion (87 to 100) onwards. Use Warspiral.

Enchanting - Done.

Engineering - Done. (Not showing up - check Demonspiral)  

Herbalism - Everything. Use a new Druid, Druidspiral.

Inscription -  Zandalari and Shadowlands. Use Roguespiral.

Jewelcrafting - Zandalari and Shadowlands. Use Priestspiral.

Leatherworking -  Zandalari and Shadowlands. Use Roguespiral.

Mining - Everything. Use a new Druid, Druidspiral.

Skinning - Everything except Legion. Use Vulspiral for this one.

Tailoring - Pandaran onwards. Use Priestspiral.



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