While I was in Torghast, I realised that my engineering was sorely lacking. Specifically, I didn't have a Jeeves or AutoHammer to repair. I'm off to Ulduar to get the Jeeves schematic now. It took only a few kills to get the schematic, and about twenty minutes in Org to find enough supplies to craft the Jeeves. Next up: the auto-hammer schematic. A quick hearth to Dalaran and then a flight to Aszuna. Quick quest. I worked on my Vulpera warrior, finishing up several quests in the Legion Class Hall questline and getting her closer to 50 for the achievement (halfway through 48 now). I did the daily, gaining exalted with the Court of Harvesters, then did maw quests, gaining Cordial reputation with Ve'nari. On Thursday I finished the class hall for my Vulpera Warrior, then on Friday I hit 50 after doing the Shadowlands intro quests and I picked up my heritage armor for [Heritage of the Vulpera]. One down, nine to go :/ From looking at my other classes, I already have a level 45...
A complete guide to doing every world of warcraft achievement, starting from nothing.