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[3,339 of 5,120] Pandaria Remix

 4/11/24: So I'm working on The World Awoken before it goes away in the next xpac. It's possible it won't go away but still, it's a good focusing mechanism.

The longest one to get looks like it's going to be [Tetrachromancer] - people have done hundreds of hunts and not gotten all the colors.

It looks like the strategy is to get class trials and do the weekly hunt with them to get purple bags, since those have a higher chance of dropping the colors (once weekly).

4/11/24: [Whose a Good Bakar?] This one took forever. I finally had it show up after a bunch of attempts.

4/12/24: [Puzzle Performer]! Finally! This one took forever but WQAchievements saved the day and let me know that it was up today.

I also picked up [Adventurer of Thaldrassus]!

[Longhunter] too!

I picked up the Friendsurge Defenders toy and so now I can get the pet from the Emerald Dream!

4/13/24: Finished up the Eon's Fringe dailies for [Fringe Benefits] and [Dragon Quests]!

[Firestorms in the Waking Shores]!

Took 12 months - [Trading Post Enthusiast]!


4/15/24: [Sandstorms in the Walking Shores] found a group, took 20 minutes.

4/21/24: [Seeing Red]! I had this quest sitting in my log forever. I thought it was an old Legion one for the longest time and just decided to get rid of it today by completing it.

[Thunderstorms in the Ohn'ahran Plains] - quick one, I only needed 31 more dudes and found a group speedily.

I found a [Mythic Neltharus] group! Finally - no one wanted to run it each time I looked in the past. I also picked up [Ready for Raiding VIII] and [Knowledge is... Preserved?]!


[Fishing Round the Isles]! This one took a while. Thanks WQAchievements!

5/18/24: I have a bunch to update but nothing major, just lots of smaller achievements like various storms. Right now I'm strongly tempted to do the Mists of Pandaria event since it can grant Houlon as one of the mounts - this is needed for Gonna Need a Bigger Bag and is a pain in the ass to farm.

5/20/24: Houlon is 38500 bronze (and level 35) and I am probably going to pick up some of the really cheap mounts as well for the 500 mounts achievement, so total bronze needed is likely around 18*2200 = 39600 plus the 38500 for Houlon. That's a bit over 75k bronze which I expect to get a bit after I hit level 70.

I picked up another Storms achievement yesterday as well and I worked on getting Conchs for the Lunker achievement - I need a bunch more and the fastest way to get them is with fishing quests.


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