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 3/3/22: I finished up several random dragonlands achievements and then set up to (finally!)) take care of all of the older dungeon achievements that I've avoided so far. I'm starting with [Glory of the Cataclysm Hero] and the Throne of the Tides dungeon.

Simply getting to the dungeon sucked. It's a long-ish way. Moreover, I did a pet battle while standing outside the dungeon and when I was done I was teleported to Brill!

[Old Faithful] was a bit annoying to do but I finally figured it out. The trick is to take Vasjh down low and then wait a long time for the adds to swap, then stand on top of the witch adds. You have to do it twice to get the achievement.

[Prince of Tides] was much worse. I ended up having to heal to pull aggro on the Beehemoth without killing it and then stand around killing everything else for five minutes before finally getting the achievement randomly when the boss died. No idea why or how.    

<next one I failed to get>

I hunted for more rares for Adventurer of

[Siege on Dragonbane Keep: Chiseled Record] was easy

Super Squirt Day 


3/6/23: Advanced Dragon Races: Bronze



3/9/23: I'm continuing to work on Dragonscale rep to get to 24 Renown to unlock the last stage of the story. I'm almost 22 and the weekly will take me to 23. Then it's just a matter of finding 2500 more rep from somewhere to finish up. I've already done the world quests so this will be a bit laborious.

TODO: Maelstrom counter

3/10/23: Korthia rares x 2 plsu almost finished Archivist's Codex rep

Working on 15,000 Anima plus 70 souls to unlock the last tier of the Abomination Factory.

I'm doing some Maw stuff at the same time.

After 40 souls, I got bored and went hunting for the secret mount, Bound Shadehound.

3/11/23 I finished all six ranks of the Archivist's codex and bought the mount. More soul runs to get the 70 needed for the anima conductor.

3/12/23 - [Grand Theft Shadehound]

Next I finally got the 70 souls and 15,000 anima needed to unlock my final Maldraxxus construst upgrade!

Being slightly bored, I picked something at random: getting 500 missions in my legion class hall complete. I'm at 433 already. I learned the fastest way to do this is to use the companion app on my phone and send them out that way.

3/13/23 - I paid for a Phospherescent Stone Drake for 60k. Worth it. I'm now very close to 400 mounts.

I paid 150k for a 15 SBG run in time. Every other attempt at even 13 that I did ended in failure.

Later, I worked on the Maldraxxus Stitchyard. Right now I need a munch of Anima to unlock Unity,


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