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[2,825 of 4,078] Lots more Zereth Mortis stuff

 Tuesday, May 24, 2022:

I get a 265 shoulders from my weekly chest and a +10 key. I could have taken the 239 gloves for my 4-piece instead but I plan on handling that later this week, and ilevel is more important.

My week long Zereth Mortis research has finally completed and so I can unlock the Architect questline to be able to craft mounts.

I picked up the Makaris's Satchel of Mines toy on the first attempt.


I unlocked the protoform forge and crafted my first mount, (giving me [Synthesized]) then went around collecting schematics I'd not been able to pick up yet, while also working on Patterns Within Patters to get my Enlightened rep to revered. As part of this, I fought Antros for the week and clicked on one of the orbs, giving me [Cosmic Empowerment].


Finishing up some world quests to complete Patterns Within Patterns. I also finished another small quesline in Zereth Mortis that I was unaware I still needed and I picked up another two schematics. I'm slowly getting all of them as I fly around the zone.

One of my bigger problems right now is that is have SO MUCH crap in my bags from various zones, mostly partly-completed stuff like protoform lattices or keys to open chests in Korthia or zone-specific things like Sturdy Horseshoe from Revendreth or seven Gersahal Greens for the mount from the last expansion. I really need to take a day just to finish all this stuff off.


One thing I didn't realize until now: is a weekly quest that can reward an item needed to craft one of the mounts. I need to remember to do this each week.


Still working on Patterns Within Patterns. Along the way I picked up the Crushed Supply Crate mini-treasure. To get it, you need to get a tool above the treasure itself, then you need to talk to a nearby Jiro to get a hammer to finally break the rocks and get the treasure.

I also napped the Heartbound Lupine schematic from a large wolf in a cave.

I picked up the Bronze Helcid schematic for my mount from the weekly chest!

Now that I'm Revered, I have access to all the 239 conduits for free, as well as the Memory of Unity for my second 291 legendary!

I need to plan out my gear carefully as I want to ensure I get the 4-piece bonus, plus both legendaries.

First, back to Revendreth to upgrade the conduits and dump my anima and send out adverturers.


Friday evening and I'm working on The Maw quests for some reason. I think the "Jailer's efforts subdued" meter has mocked me for too many weeks. I finished up the quest to gather 20 souls (I need this to upgrade my Venthyr sanctum) and I did the weekly Kyrian set of quests in the Maw.




I logged in at 8am to Zereth Mortis and found a whole bunch of rares had just popped up. I killed four of them, including two that I still needed for the achievement.

Back to Revendreth to do the usual daily things and then I'm going to start planning out how to get a four-piece set bonus plus two 291 legendaries. I can use the Zereth Mortis forge thing to upgrade an item, and I have enough Sandworn Relics to buy a 246 item that I can turn into a tier piece if I need to.

First up, I need to craft a wrist version of my Unity legendary. I picked up the base 291 item plus a crit and vers missive from the AH and then bought a Bag of Explored Souls from the Enlightened quartermaster. 

And then I promptly messed it up. I crafted the Venthyr legendary and not the memory of unity legendary. What a stupid system.

15,000g and a trip to Orgrimmar and back to Torghast later, I finally have my second legendary. Next up: I need to figure out how to get my set bonus.

A trip to Zereth Mortis and I need to buy some mail hands with Sandworn Relics so I can turn them into tier gear and then a trip to the creation catalyst and now I have 2x291 legendaries and a four piece set bonus!

Now I just need to do something about my blue weapon...


After a break, I started to work on Treasures of Zereth Mortis. I managed to pick up the Drowned Broker Supplies now that my Pocopoc has Daelic Understanding and is able to control the dude near the water. Next up: Domination Cache! (I got the key a couple of days ago)


Ripened Protopear ( was an interesting one - you need to unlock the area via research and questing, then you need to ppollenate an unripe pear five times with a buff in order to loot it.

Now I just have Mistaken Ovoid (which takes five lost ovoid eggs - I have three already so just two more) and Syntactic Vault to go. On with the ovoids!

The Ovoid quest was simple enough and only took a few minutes of following the co-ordinates to get the last two and turn it in. I picked up another schematic too.

The Syntactic Vault was also easy, and not only did I pick up [Treasures of Zereth Mortis], I also got the schematic for Resonant Echo and a Crystalized Echo of the First Song from two nearby chests!


I picked up a schematic for a mount. Honestly, the HandyNotes addon has been incredible here - it's SO much easier to find things when they are clearly marked on the map with instructions.

A second schematic followed soon after - this one required talking to a spider that is only viewable when dead.

A third (Scarlet Helicid) was an easy find. The fourth (Vespoid Flutterer) was something I thought I'd have to use the teleporters for, but it's possible to fly to it instead.

Bronzewing Vespoid schematic was similar in that I just needed to fly to the entrance of the cave and then find it inside - no teleport required.

The Schematic: Unsuccessful Prototype Fleetpod was actually pretty awesome and involved unlocking a lot of different secrets. First you have to have all the main things researched and completed all the regular quests. Then you have to unlock the Gravid Repose teleporter chain. Then you need to find a special locus on the back size of a building. Then you need to teleport there. Then you need to complete a minigame and finally the schematic unlocks. I also took a shot at getting the Unalloyed Bronze Ingot from the weekly room nearby but was unsucccessful.

I stopped by Firim next in order to pick up a Forge Tap and Containment Trap. I also researched a whole stack of new powers - I'm probably 2000 Cyphers away from learning all of them and getting that achievement.

I managed to find a few more dudes for the Containment Trap (Completing the Code) - I just have six more to find and trap for that achievement.

Next up was the [Sand, Sand Everywhere] achievement. To get this, I had to unlock a new teleporter location. I also needed to collect all seven Spatial Openers, several of which were quite involved tasks in and of themselves. After that, I followed the guide at needing 60 cosmic energy and then heading to the Gravid Repose, the Interior Chamber and then (via a second teleporter) to the Dormant Alcove.





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