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Showing posts from April, 2022

[2,818 of 4,078] Shadowlands Dungeon Hero

  So I *really* haven't played many of the Shadowlands dungeons. I decided to do some +5 keys with random players to practice my healing skills a bit before working on higher keys with my guild. I don't think I've ever properly healed a mythic before and I certainly don't know any of the fights, as this image attests.  My main focus right now is on gearing up past the crappy LFR (or lower) gear I have on right now and getting some drops from M+, as well as trying to get my 4-piece set bonus as quickly as possible. I debated switching to Kyrian (from Venthyr) for the extra DPS boost but I don't want to have to re-do so many other things. I'm planning on getting all of the Venthyr unlocks first and then *maybe* I'll switch. I'm also working on the new area. I've unlocked flying (thankfully) but I still need to do a bunch of the time-gated research and generally grind rep and the various achievements in the zone. It's fun for now, although I suspect...

[2,812 of 444,078] I started playing again, 2-3 weeks after 9.2

  I decided to go Resto and heal some Mythic+ Switching over to resto took about a week and a half. I needed to get the legendaries crafted and figure out how to play. Coming in at 9.2 was nice since it meant things like conduits started at 226 ilevel and there was a reasonably easy way to get 226 gear so that I could do LFR for 239. I finally unlocked flying last week, with the help of my wife. I will note that there is definitely a design flaw here, where flying requires ten different rares, all of whom are quickly killed by people that already have flying, leaving people without the skill racing to a spot on a slow mount, only to find the rare dead when they get there. Not much else to say here. I killed the Jailer in LFR and healed my first mythic. In terms of gear, I'm aiming to get my 4-piece set bonus as soon as possible since it's a huge upgrade and I plan on healing up to +15 keys as soon as possible. In terms of keys, I honestly don't know any of the fights and so...
 Saturday morning: I finish up the campaign quests so far, hitting 51 Renown.  Sunday and I'm farming Sightless Eyes to get rank 3 Imbued Silkweave Cinch /vesper of Harmony   Update on Saturday August 7: WoW is feeling like a job again. The only time I play it is when I first wake up, for half an hour or so, before coffee has kicked in and I need something mindless to do. A lot of it is because of the time gating and Renown grinds - I feel like every week I need to do the weekly quest, do the renown and do most of the Korthica dailies and kill the world boss as well as sending out dozens of groups to adventures. Once those things are done, whatever desire I had to do something new is gone. Right now, for example, I kind of wanted to go do all of the Ardenweald quests I'd not finished yet but instead I'm  thinking that I really should go do four more timewalking dungeons that I really don't want to do, just to finish the weekly. I completed the campaign quest to renow...