So I *really* haven't played many of the Shadowlands dungeons. I decided to do some +5 keys with random players to practice my healing skills a bit before working on higher keys with my guild. I don't think I've ever properly healed a mythic before and I certainly don't know any of the fights, as this image attests. My main focus right now is on gearing up past the crappy LFR (or lower) gear I have on right now and getting some drops from M+, as well as trying to get my 4-piece set bonus as quickly as possible. I debated switching to Kyrian (from Venthyr) for the extra DPS boost but I don't want to have to re-do so many other things. I'm planning on getting all of the Venthyr unlocks first and then *maybe* I'll switch. I'm also working on the new area. I've unlocked flying (thankfully) but I still need to do a bunch of the time-gated research and generally grind rep and the various achievements in the zone. It's fun for now, although I suspect...
A complete guide to doing every world of warcraft achievement, starting from nothing.