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[2,742 of 3,900] All Eastern Kingdom Quests Complete!

 Wednesday morning: The AH finally had some Strange Volcanic Sediment in stock so I was able to finish the 14-week achievement [Periodic Destruction] finally!

Next, the three dailies for my companion. I picked up a Zanjir Weapon Rack toy while doing this. 

Searching for something different, I did a few Broken Shore dailies to be able to contribute to the Command Table there. It looks like I have quite a way to go on these - I need 50 contributions to each of three buildings and I've only done about 1/3 of that. It takes 4-5 dailies to get enough supplies for a single contribution so I'm looking at 400 to 500 dailies spread across 150 to 300 days (because there are only a dozen or so dailies available per day). 

I'd planned on doing these while I did the Sentinax achievements (Naxt Victim) - I suppose it's time for me to figure out the mechanics of those and get started with them.

Next, I did Dragon Soul to help my wife get her legendary daggers. 

Thursday morning and I ended up scrolling through achievements yet incomplete in the wow UI. I decided to go do the Hinterlands quests I'd left unfinished after the Cataclysm (I did them once before). 

It took about an hour on Thursday evening but soon, [Hinterlands Quests] was complete. Lots of transmogs for this one too, and a missing Engineering schematic.

I only have three Eastern Kingdom zones left (I actually did all these pre-Cataclysm, so this is the second time) and I may as well finish them now. To Silverpine!

Saturday morning: The Silverpine quests are some of the better ones I've played. The whole story arc was solid and seeing a dead Sylvanis Windrunner at the end was certainly a surprise. [Silverpine Quests] took about an hour and a half, all in. Next up: Swamp of Sorrows.

[Swamp of Sorrows Quests] was easy enough. Almost every quest was a "kill 10 bears" type. Very little flavor and fairly lazy quest design here sadly - nothing like the quality of Silverpine. The only one I have left is Searing Gorge.

On Sunday morning, I made it to Searing George. I head to break out the Foam Sword for some of the Lunk quests. Or I thought I did. To explain: Lunk wants you to just weaken various mobs instead of killing them. That's exactly what Soft Foam Sword does, yet the sword doesn't work for - very frustrating. Apparently naked punching at max level sometimes works so I'll try that next. My only other thought is to try Party Sync with a low level friend.

So, it seems punching works. Whoever coded this makes the swarves stay at 1% when autoattacked. Seems they forgot about the sword though.

Frustratingly, there are also non-Lunk quests that need the foam sword as well, making for slow progress. What's worse, there is a long quest chain underground (so no flight possible) that ends with a very long run back through twisting passageways. Anway, after that long run, [Searing Gorge Quests] and every other Eastern Kingdoms quest achievement was finally complete!


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