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[2,693 of 3,900] Alts and The Maw

Sunday morning and the first thing I worked on was the [Exile's reach] achievement with a Tauren warrior. The new zone is well done and the pacing is just right - not too short nor too long.

Next, I started on my Highmountain Tauren's quest from level 10 to level 50. Actually, scratch that - I want to quest in Legion since there is an achievement for getting the various Legion halls completed. I'm going to make a warrior to do that. [An Epic Campaign] requires five different class halls to be completed. I think I already have a start on the mage, hunter and priest class halls.

I'm going to make a Vulpera Warrior and work on the Legion timewalking, with an aim of completing the class hall for Warrior (and getting to level 50).

The new timewalking levelling system is a good idea, albeit a little confusing. I'm supposed to get an artifact weapon as a central plot point but it's a "legacy item" and so has no buffs? Should I bother using it at all? Heirlooms too don't work very well - I regret more than ever picking the heirloom ring as my prize from the fishing competition instead of the teleport to Booty Bay.

Anyway, I'm having a lot more fun than I expected, re-doing old content. Fury Warrior plays very differently to Elemental Shaman and so far I've near constant uptime without needing to heal. I just hit level 25 or so and I can definitely see playing this way until level 50.

Speaking of level 50, I should probably decide on which classes I want to pursue for the other races I need to level up, so that I can park them in a place where they get rested experience.

The Icy Veins guide to leveling says the fastest way to level is in Warlords of Draenor due to all the bonus objectives, but I need to get five class campaigns done so I will need legion for some of them.

Plan for all alts:

1. Take stock of what I already have in terms of current profession levels and what is unlocked and how far along in the process they are.

2. Level first the five (well, four left) that I need for the class hall

3. Then all of the ones needed to get all professions to max.

4. Then any others I need to include one of every new race that needs to hit 50

I made a list of all alts (race and class) and how close they are on their order campaigns and for professions:

Level    Name             Race       Class        Prof1                 Prof2                    Class Hall Progress     

60         Deathspiral    Goblin    Shaman    Ench(max)        Eng(max)             Complete

37         Vulpspiral      Vulpin    Warrior    Skin(50 legion) Mine(12 legion)    Need Lvl45

50        Priestspiral      Human   Priest         0                        0                            none

42        Magespiral      Human   Mage         0                        0                         Step 19                          

45        Roguespiral    Undead    Rogue    Leather + Insc. (max,except shadow)    Step 16

45        Demonspiral    BE        DemonH   Legion engineering 100 , mine 75                  Step 16

45        Huntspiral    Goblin    Hunter          Alc(100 legion), Herb(96/300)        Step18+22    

45        Warspiral      HighTaur    Warrior   Blacksmithing (max old, 85 legion) Step 9         


NOTE: I THINK the Highmountain Tauren warrior was a boost and so doesn't count for the achievement.                                                            

Goal for the meta profession achievements is to get ALL primary professions to their max level in Pandaria (75), Draenor (100), Legion(100)Zandalari(150), Shadowlands(max).

I need the following leveled to 50 from a fresh level 10:

Lightforged Dranei


Void Elf

Dark Iron Dwarf

Highmountain Tauren


Mag'Har Orc

Zandalari Troll

Kul Tiran

Vulpera (active)


That's ten different races, some of which I haven't unlocked yet. I think the simplest way to level up is going to be a mix of Warlords of Draenor (for the bonus events) and PVP (to grind honor for all of the honor achievements, since it's account bound).

Once I have all these alts, what to do with them? I think the main use should be mount farming - park them all at Onyxia's lair or similar and do the fight every week on each alt until I get the 1% drop, then repeat with the other achievement mounts.

Anyway, I'm up to level 37 on the Warrior after a break of many days. I also did some questing on Deathspiral - I'm up to "apprehensive" in The Maw

As an aside, I just discovered a huge cache of expensive enchants on one of my banker alts.  Now I need to remember to log in in two days to see if they sold.

As for leveling up the professions - I'm not going to bother with that until I have most of the alts leveled. Mats usually get cheaper as the xpac goes on.


A few quick other updates: I got the warrior to level 45 so I'm able to continue with the Legion class hall quest. I also did the first two layers of Twisting Corridors with some guildies - we plan on doing all eight this weekend.







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