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[2,678 of 3,896] Lots of little things

 I accidentally queued for a heroic dungeon on Monday night instead of a battleground. I decided to stay in the run and picked up [Spires of Ascension] and [Heroic: Spires of Ascension] by accident :)

Tuesday morning hits and there is nothing in the weekly chest for me (again) so I grab 750 stygia. This is kind of lame as I lost 2,500 in the Maw yesterday trying to get into Perdition Hold without the questline being complete to access it. [Prepare For Trouble] was obtained, but at great cost.

Sending my adventurers out - I'm focusing on XP-granting adventures primarily, with anima being a second goal. I've unlocked a level 46 mission to upgrade my adventure campaign but all my people are at level 30, so I'm way behind.

Next up, The Maw. 

I got almost half a bar of reputation from the daily/weekly quests as well as picking up [Handling His Henchmen]. 

Perhaps more importantly, I built a Wormhole Generator: Shadowlands Why didn't I make one of these sooner?! It can teleport to every major area in the xpac and it refreshes every fifteen minutes. The fact that it can go to Oribus is a massive timesaver and so I quickly set my hearth to Sinfall.

On Wednesday morning, I tried to go to The Maw but I still had the Jailer's Eye on me, so instead decided to level up cooking until the eye reset. [Shadowlands Cook] was the result.

After 8am PST I headed into The Maw with my wife and did the dailies as well as gathering enough souls for the covenant weekly.

After a pause, I headed out to work on the Ember Court. This week I need to invite Plague Deviser Marileth, which I can do along with the three Maldraxus quests for the daily calling. In addition I need to invite Stonehead - to get him, I need to "complete the story in the Ember Ward" then earn the [Best Bud With Benefits] achievement.

Achievement, you say? Count me in!

[Best Bud With Benefits] looks like something I should have unlocked some time ago. A new daily quest is added too (edit: this is wrong - it was the ember court quest). The actual quest to unlock it was fairly simple and kind of fun.

Maldraxus for the invite and the three daily quests was next, followed by the Ember Court event itself. Sadly, the court lacked a good "casual" option for entertainment so I didn't have a good way to keep my new stone buddy happy. Marileth seemed pleased however.

Thursday morning and Revendreth is the calling. I spent quite a bit of time trying to complete the pet battle quest with all pets of a single type and completely failed to do so - I think I need to level up a bunch of new pets come super-squirt day (or even regular squirt day) since I'm missing a ton of them for the new strategies.

Bastion is the calling today, and once again I'm so glad I made the Wormhole Generator: Shadowlands - it saves an enormous amount of time!

I picked up (and completed) the RSVP quest for the Ember Court here, as well as gathering some cheese for entertainment and completing two world quests for the Ember Court Ambassador.

Maldraxus next for the other item needed for the Small Bites quest, as well as two dailies for the Ember Court Ambassador.

Saturday morning and my wife decided to switch covenants for Venthyr, so we did a heroic and some LFR raids to get her reknown. I also picked up [Tea Time] from a daily quest.

Sunday morning was similarly simple. The calling was Maldraxus and was quick to complete thanks to the Wormhole Generator: Shadowlands saving me all the travel time. I also picked up an Ember Court RSVP here.

After that, I did another It's Race Day in the Ramparts! run, solely because ten of them rewards an achievement. The Overachiever addon really helps with this kind of thing - any world quests with an uncompleted achievement are flagged so I can go work on them.

My Anima count towards the 10,000 I need for the portal to Oribus is growing nicely, although I'm starting to thing I no longer even need it - the Wormhole Generator is so damn good that I'm not sure I need it. Anyway, I'm almost at 8,500 of 10,000 anima.

I did a quick quest to get the "Traditional Decorations" theme for the Ember Court and then decided to do something different, heading to Nazjatar to work on my dailies. I now only have three more weeks to go to finish [Periodic Destruction].

Sunday evening was a quick Maw run for rep. I picked up both [Deadly Serious] and the Dead pet (first attempt!) while doing the dailies.

A quick hearth back to Revendreth and I realized I was missing the exploration achievement, so I visited the Night Market for the first time and picked up [Explore Revendreth] - it also looks like there are some items that I can trade for that grant other items, including a mount perhaps?


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