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My current "check this daily" achievement list

A lot of achievements simply take a ton of time to complete. As a result I (like most achievement hunters) work on them slowly over time. I just use the stock WOW achievement tracker to do this. I recently finished the Venomhide Ravasaur mount dailies (20 days in Ungoro Crater) and I'm working on finishing up Free For All, More For Me which mostly involves hearthing to Dalaran and checking which PVP quest is up, then flying out there to complete it. The sticking point is The Darkbrul-oh which involves completing Darkbrul Arena twenty times. The main issue is that I'm seldom online when the quest is up, as it usually only appears late at night/ very early in the morning. The other long-term quest I'm working on is Wingmen which involves getting to max rep ("Personal Wingman") with all of the bodyguards for your faction. I just have one more to do - Aeda Brightdawn. This one is farmable but I still need a bunch of Garrison Invasion-related achievements so I'm just doing the daily with the appropriate bodyguard out. Interestingly, this achievement lists both horde and alliance bodyguards on it, but you only need one set of them. I think. Maybe. Damn, now I need to check...
The other stuff on the list are pet achievements, starting with some aquatic ones I still need to complete. I've decided to finish the rest of the "Family Brawler" achievements one family per week, since I still need to get one of the toys from the weekly What We've Been Training For... quest in Org. I've also set myself a reminder to go farm the stupid Vicious Broodling in Legion to finish off that achievement too. Some days I wish that I had a UI for my life that worked like this, with automatic tracking of goals.


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